Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Blog Maintenance

I made a couple of executive decisions today about this blog. I'm not particularly fond of HaloScan comments now that Blogger revamped theirs. So since there was only one comment, I copied it, switched to blogger comments and reposted it. I also set it up so that when you post a comment it will automatically e-mail it too me (thus making this blog a great way to keep in touch with me about Project Mickey stuff as I work on it).

Also, since it was way easier to just reload the template for this page instead of sifting through the html to remove the HaloScan comments, I decided to update the links we had on the side bar since they didn't have a whole lot to do with what we were doing anymore. The html and css tutorials are condensed into one link to the main tutorial site, the CS research conference (that we didn't end up going to) is deleted, and the link to POV-Ray graphics... umm... we're not doing graphics anyway.

Not sure how much time I'll have this week, but I tend to only work on my other research project during the day, which leaves a ton of time in the evenings and nights which I usually spend on my computer anyway. Might as well be productive if I'm not too wiped :-)

Saturday, July 02, 2005

New Mouse Pages Done

Note to self: ctrl-x-s is the shortcut for saving when emacs menus don't work

I eased myself back into really working on this today--if I'm not careful I get scared to start. But it's going really really well. I wrote queries for entering a new mouse, and then I wrote the php and set up the page that displays the results so you can see what you entered. What was really cool was there were very few errors (like missing quote marks) that I had to fix. It was a lot easier than some of the first pages were.

Unfortunately user errors during entering aren't as easy to fix as entering a reading twice or something--you can't just delete everything and re-enter it. So I included instructions in case of errors: contact your local database guru. lol. I'm not sure how to take care of these kind of errors as a more permanent solution. In order to set everything right a person really needs to know how the database is set up and the actual queries that the php sends. It's kind of a bummer, but any non-CS people who use this will probably need to keep a CS person on hand. At least I can wire in enough that the CS person doesn't have to be called on for a every single thing, but... well, I guess being needed is handy ;-)

I only have Cage Transfer and Record Death pages left. I'm not going to tackle the view full record until I get back to Westmont. It should be pretty easy--the new mouse page already includes the query I'll need for both transfers and deaths, so there can be a fair amount of copy and paste. (I wish I could do it tonight and get it all done, but I've already been working on this for like 9 hours today, and it's almost midnight). After that is done though, comes the most difficult part: figuring out how to add everything to the database so that Dr. McMahon can start using them. I'm working on it, but I think I need to brainstorm with Dr. Iba a bit.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Update from Virginia

WOOOOOT!!! (<-- always a good sound to hear) I am in Virginia, but I have sucessfully managed to ssh to wardrobe AND get the project mickey pages to display on my browser. MAJOR break through. Thanks for the instructions Dr. Iba :-) I've done a bit of blog maintenance, switching things around so that both of my research blogs can be accessed through my profile --> I'll be keeping this blog up as I continue on Project Mickey--not so much as a formal scientific logbook, but as a place to record my progress, thoughts, frustrations, questions, etc.

I don't guarantee that I will finish this quickly (given that I have a lot to work on with the internship here) but I feel bad that I wasn't able to finish it in time, so I'm going to try to work on it at least some (especially since I have the whole weekend ahead of me). The problem is, even if I finish the web pages, there will need to be some major data entry before it could be used. In order to enter a reading or anything, the code goes and searches for the mouse in its database. If it doesn't find it, then the reading can't really be entered. Not only does each mouse need to be entered into the mice table, but since the code searches for it based on its current cage, all of the cage transfers for the mice are going to need to be entered also. I know that some information was added by Julia last year, but I'm not sure how to add it to this new database given the new schema. NOT a pretty problem :-(

Once I get the code done, and especially when the database is up and running, a bit of code will need to be added so that every entry into the database is logged in a text file. That way if anything happens, we can rebuild the database easily. Especially since yours truly can go in and seriously mess things up in only a few key strokes. the power of the password...